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Things To Know Before Relocating To Portugal

Things To Know Before Relocating To Portugal

by Damien Troy

Relocating anywhere is always an exciting experience, however where better than historically-mature, sunny Portugal? It’s hard to know what to expect before relocating to a completely new country, however there are ways to prepare yourself beforehand by making careful considerations. While most people understand that an EHIC renewal will allow you to receive free or discounted medical care when simply visiting the country, actually living there is much more complex, but we have all the information you need to know below.

Residency Requirements

Similar to most countries within Europe, you will need a passport that is valid for at least six months beyond your intended living duration, although this does only apply for non-EU residents. Otherwise, you won’t need a passport upon entry. Moreover, if you’re relocating from the US, Australia or Canada, you’re able to stay in Portugal for a maximum of 90 days without a visa, and if you’re an EU national, your visa-less stay is totally unlimited.

If you’re planning on relocating to Portugal permanently, then a temporary residence permit will suffice for one year after the issue date. Then, once you’ve held your residence certificate for 5 years, you’re then able to apply for a permanent resident certificate.

What Is The Cost Of Living Like In Portugal?

Before relocating anywhere, you’ll want to ensure that you can financially benefit from the decision. If you originate from the US, Australia or Canada, you’ll be happy to hear that the cost of living in Portugal is considerably cheaper. To put this into perspective, these are a few estimations that are made regarding the amenity prices:

  • A cappuccino or soft drink: €1.11
  • A 3-course meal for two at a mid-range restaurant: €30
  • A pint of beer: €1.50

Furthermore, the transportation that’s available in Portugal is considered as much cheaper compared to elsewhere across the globe, with a monthly local transportation pass equating to approximately €35, so really living in Portugal can allow you to save a lot more money without giving up any of your necessities.

Should You Buy Or Rent A Property?

If you decide to actually buy a property in Portugal, you might be making a large, expensive mistake if you’re not entirely familiar with the area. Instead, it’s much safer to rent for 6 months first, or even a year for extra peace of mind, which will allow you to experience Portuguese life first-hand and decide whether relocating there is a good idea. Then, with more experience and insights under your belt, you’ll have the knowledge you need to confidently buy your dream home. When renting a property, you can select either short-term rental or long-term rental, with the short-term being the easiest to come by.

Is It Easy To Find Work?

If you hold an EU passport, you’ll find that work is very easy to come by, as you’re able to start working as soon as you relocate to the country, without any additional work permit. For others, it can be slightly more complex, and you might have to check whether your potential employer will sponsor your working visa to allow you to earn a living. Ideally, you should begin your job search before you move to the country to ensure that you have work lined up to pay for your rent and other expenses.

Generally, relocating to Portugal is a great idea if you want a better cost of living and simple change of scenery. Unlike other countries, you can get a lot more for your money in Portugal, as you’ll find that once your accommodation and occupation have fallen into place, you’ll have the time of your life.